Staff 0:00
I’m gonna try it again. So we will begin simulation again.
Teacher 0:06
Good afternoon, Mr. Reid. I’m [Teacher]. How are you doing today?
Mr. Reid 0:10
Hi [Teacher]. Nice to meet you.
Teacher 0:13
Thank you for taking the time to come talk to me today about Katie. So I wanted to start off by saying how proud I am of Katie for how well she’s doing with her reading. She’s reading a whole grade level above her reading level and really, really loves reading about fiction books. And also she is really, really good at time management. Her work is always done on time. I wanted to ask you before we get into why I called you today, how are you feeling about Katie in school this year?
Mr. Reid 0:45
Um, okay, I guess I don’t really thought about it.
Teacher 0:52
You haven’t really thought about how well she’s doing in school this year?
Mr. Reid 0:55
Well. Yeah, I mean, obviously her academics are good. So no news is good news there.
Teacher 1:03
Great. Does she love reading at home as well? I know she loves to read in school,
Mr. Reid 1:09
Yeah, she reads a fair amount at home.
Teacher 1:11
Is there like a type of book or type of genre that she seems to really enjoy?
Mr. Reid 1:16
Ah, she likes I think my wife said historical fiction.
Teacher 1:22
Great. I’ve noticed that as well. So why I called you in today’s because I’m a little bit worried about Katie with some of our other students. Not that Katie is doing anything wrong at all, but she’s just generally very quiet, not very open to working with other peers or myself. And I was wondering if you may have noticed this at home or with some of her friends or if she has any siblings. I was wondering if you had any insight on that.
Mr. Reid 1:50
I have no insight on that. I mean her brother is older and away at college and it’s just the three of us so, um, you know, I don’t notice anything like that because we’re not in a school setting. I mean, home is not the problem. There’s no problem at home.
Teacher 2:12
So when she’s at school and we have her working with groups, she tends to like to look down, not really talk to her peers. So I was wondering maybe if that was something you would notice at home, but obviously, maybe just might be happening in a school setting.
Mr. Reid 2:28
Yeah, I mean, to be honest, this doesn’t sound like Katie at all. So that’s probably something you’re doing.
Teacher 2:35
Okay, well, I’m glad you mentioned that. So at least I know that maybe it’s maybe just something how she feels in school. It does not appear that she’s being bullied in the class or ignored by her peers in any way. So maybe she’s just more of a more introverted student who may just feel less inclined to speak up around her peers. But obviously, you haven’t really noticed that so. So I was going to ask you so for my plan of action for me is I obviously want to get Katie more involved with her peers and in the classroom. So do you know if there’s any way that you think that she would be able to do that it without making her feel nervous or anxious in any way?
Mr. Reid 3:18
Well, I mean, experience makes a difference, and all her other teachers had so much more experience than you do.
Teacher 3:27
Well, I think that I am very prepared and very willing to teach this classroom at a high level and it is managed very well. So I’m not necessarily sure if experience is a factor. It might just be how she feels in this classroom environment. I obviously want to make sure that she feels as comfortable as possible. So that’s why I’m talking to you today. I feel like maybe…
Mr. Reid 3:50
Yeah. I mean, last year’s teacher, had her and other students read a book about what they’re learning and talk about it in class, kind of like a book club.
Teacher 4:00
Yeah, so that’s what I was going to talk to you about today. I was wondering if maybe you thought if she was… I know she loves to read, obviously. And you said that she loves historical fiction. So I was wondering maybe if her and a buddy or even someone in another class had like a book buddy system going on where they would read the same book, and then they would come to back together to talk about it. Do you think that that would be a good way to get Katie more involved in our class?
Mr. Reid 4:26
Ah, you would know that better than I so I’m, I guess so. I mean, I gotta be honest. I am. I mean, I am worried about what this means for Katie.
Teacher 4:37
Why are you worried?
Mr. Reid 4:40
Well, I mean, what you’re telling me is she just completely checked out at school? Is she, you know, are people bullying her? are, you know, is she in the wrong grade level? Does she need to move back? Does she need to move ahead? You know, all those things.
Teacher 4:59
Those are completely valid concerns. Like I said, she is doing very well in school. I’m not worried about that in any way. I just really want her to really be engaged and collaborate with her classmates. Because what I’ve noticed is, is my classroom has really run on a lot of collaboration and group work. And she seems to kind of go to the side a little bit when we’re doing those activities. Like she kind of puts her head down and doesn’t necessarily want to work with all the students, which is perfectly fine. But I think that it is important to engage her so that she feels a part of our classroom community. So I think one way we could start to do that.
Mr. Reid 5:35
I mean, let me just, I mean, maybe it’s me. There’s a weight on my shoulders.
Teacher 5:42
What do you mean?
Mr. Reid 5:45
Ah, I mean, I just…I have just a lot on my mind, and there are challenges at work.
Teacher 5:58
Well, I don’t think that you need to be concerned about anything that you do. And I think that the best way we should could go about the situation is work together and come up with a plan of action that could work best for Katie.
Mr. Reid 6:10
I mean, I’m in danger of losing my job next week.
Teacher 6:14
Well, I think that the best thing that we should do is like let Katie know how much we care for her and support her. So that if we’re both there for her, she won’t even realize any of this negative energy. So I think what we should do is we should come up again…
Mr. Reid 6:28
Negative energy? I mean, losing your job isn’t negative energy it is just life.
Teacher 6:33
Yeah, it’s life. It’s just one step of life.
Mr. Reid 6:38
Hold on that’s work. Sorry.
Teacher 6:42
So I think that how we should go about the situation is work together and communicate to Katie how much we care for her and how much we value her. And so what we can do is from an academic standpoint, I can include her a lot in the classroom activities. We could try the book club activity with partners, and then maybe we could bring that into the home as well. So maybe you could read with her and discuss some of the books as well. So she kind of has both sides.
Mr. Reid 7:08
Katie 7:11