TeachSIM Coaching Study

The TeachSIM Coaching Study began at the University of Virginia is Fall 2017. The following simulation scenarios were integrated into the UVA Teacher Education program requirements:

  • Text-Focused Instruction: Providing specific, actionable feedback during whole-class discussions
  • Classroom Norms + Expectations: Establishing classroom norms and redirecting off-task student behavior
  • Family Engagement: Communicating effectively with parents and guardians

Integrating the TeachSIM simulation curriculum into the UVA Teacher Education program provided two opportunities:

  • Preservice teachers were provided with low-stakes opportunities to practice and to receive coaching on teaching skills, which were covered in concurrent methods coursework.
  • TeachSIM researchers were provided with a standardized platform that allowed us to observe preservice teachers’ skills development over the course of their preparation program.

The Research Design

The Findings

  • Preservice teachers appreciate receiving immediate coaching and feedback, and having the opportunity to try challenging classroom scenarios multiple times.
  • Preservice teachers seem to improve meaningfully over the course of the teacher education program.
  • Preservice teachers significantly improve their observed teaching skills, like redirecting off-task student behavior or providing feedback to students in a discussion, when provided with directive coaching.