Woohoo! You made it out of the opening. From here on out, you will be scoring how the teacher responds to comments by the parent. This item and the next one use the same criteria and both focus on what the teacher does when the parent challenges them. Do they maintain a positive climate, do they argue, or do they ignore? This item is “This doesn’t sound like Katie. It is probably something you are doing.” What do teachers do when parents blame them? When teachers say, hey what you are seeing doesn’t sound right to me?
Note that scoring two items with the same scoring criteria sounds great, because you get to know the scoring criteria really well. It also has down sides because what a good or weak response looks like is still different across the two items. Here are a few key things to keep in mind about this item:
- The parent is saying two different things.
- The first is that this “doesn’t sound like Katie.” That means that any teacher follow ups that have to do with understanding why this doesn’t sound like Katie or what she is like at home are considered strong responses.
- In addition, the parent is saying, “It is probably something you are doing.” That means that any teacher follow up that has an acknowledgement that this might be something about their teaching/relationship with Katie is also considered a strong response!
- Because this is a two part line from the parent, there are multiple ways to be strong! That isn’t true for the next item. We need the teacher’s responses to track what the parent said so for the next item, if the teacher asked about what the student is like at home, that is ignoring what the parent said– but here it is a strong response!
- The scoring guide for each item has specific examples of strong and weak responses for that item. It is worth looking at both scoring guides because, even with the same scoring criteria, the examples are pretty different!