Module 12: Combined Practice

Congratulations! If you have made it here, it means you are feeling close to ready to take the certification tests! These four quizzes present a last opportunity for you to get feedback and try out scoring and segmenting before you get certified.

  • The two scoring quizzes have five questions from each item for a total of 45 questions each.
  • The two segmenting quizzes have one transcript each, from greeting to work.

If you take a quiz here and score below 80%, we strongly recommend going back to earlier modules and practicing more! You are always welcome to refer to the scoring guides here and to have responses to previous quizzes and guidelines from earlier modules open in another tab– there is no cheating! We want you to use ALL your resources now and when you are coding!

When you are done with these and feel ready to take the certification test, please email your lead coder and she will send you the password for the certification tests pages!

Here are the scoring and segmenting guidelines again: