11a Transcript 12 practice

Speaker 0:01
Begin simulation.

Teacher 0:04
Hi, Mr. Reed. I’m Ms. Teacher, Katie’s teacher.

Parent 0:08
Nice to meet you.

Teacher 0:10
Nice to meet you as well. I’m really excited to talk to you about Katie, and I really appreciate how willing you are to talk to me about Katie.

Parent 0:19

Teacher 0:21
So, she is doing very well in reading and all of her other classes. She’s above grade level and reading. She is close to or at grade level in all of her other classes, which is excellent. She also completes all of her work. Occasionally, if unsupervised, she would pull out a book, but I always will prompt her and that doesn’t become a problem.

Parent 0:45
That sounds like her. Uh-huh.

Teacher 0:47
So, I would like to come up with a plan to get her to maybe participate more in class and interact more with her peers. She is quiet. She participates very little. When she is called on, she has a very short response and doesn’t quite say much. She has to really be prompted to give a longer response, and I’d love her to contribute more because she does have very good insight onto the content or the things that we’re talking about in class. So, I’d love for her to talk more. And then, regarding her peers, she chooses to work alone. When peers come over, she looks down at the table.

Parent 1:31
Mm hmm.

Teacher 1:33
She mumbles.

Parent 1:34
Okay. Oh. Hmm.

Teacher 1:36
She has stopped trying to engage with her peers altogether, and they don’t bully her. However, they…

Parent 1:41

Teacher 1:42
…don’t talk to her.

Parent 1:42
That’s good.

Teacher 1:43
But they don’t talk to her as much because she doesn’t respond to them, and I would just like to see if there’s anything you think that maybe we could come up with to help Katie engage more with her peers and in class.

Parent 1:57
Hmm. I mean, what you’re telling me is kind of surprising. I don’t really know what to make of this. I mean, it just—this doesn’t sound like Katie at all, so it’s probably something, you know, you are doing.