Teacher 00:04 Hi, Mr. Reed. I’m Ms. Teacher. I’m Katie’s third grade teacher this year and—
Parent 00:08 Hello there.
Teacher 00:09 How are you? It’s so good to see you.
Parent 00:11 Good. How are you doing?
Teacher 00:12 Great. So I called you a couple days ago about making a meeting and scheduling our time together.
Question 2 of 20
2. Question
Teacher 00:05 Hi, Mr. Reid.
Mr. Reid 00:07 Hi.
Teacher 00:08 Thank you for coming in um to talk.
Mr. Reid 00:12 You’re welcome.
Teacher 00:12 Um, I really appreciate the time.
Mr. Reid 00:13 Thank you
Teacher 00:15 So I just wanted to talk about Katie.
Question 3 of 20
3. Question
Teacher 00:11 Hi, Mr. Reid. I’m Teacher, Katie’s teacher.
Mr. Reid 00:14 Oh, hi, Teacher. Nice to meet you. You can call me Bennett.
Teacher 00:18 How is it going? How is your day?
Mr. Reid 00:20 Um, you know, it’s okay. Time is tight, and I got work demands and stuff. So, um, but, you know, I’m happy to come and talk about Katie.
Teacher 00:31 Thank you, Mr. Reid. I know you have a really tight schedule, and I really appreciate you coming in.
Mr. Reid 00:37 Yeah, as do you. so, yeah.
Question 4 of 20
4. Question
Speaker 00:00 Begin simulation.
Teacher 00:01 Good morning Mr. Reed. I am Ms. Teacher. Um, yeah, I just want to—
Parent 00:09 Hi Ms. Teacher.
Teacher 00:09 Yeah, thank you so much for coming in to meet and making the time to meet with me today. Yeah, I know that…
Parent 00:16 Sure.
Teacher 00:17 …life is always very busy. So yeah, I appreciate that you took the time to come here. Um, so yeah, I just wanna—
Parent 00:24 Oh, sure.
Question 5 of 20
5. Question
Teacher 00:03 Hi, Mr. Bennett. How are ya?
Parent 00:05 Good, how are you?
Good. So, I know we talked in the beginning of the year just about us staying open communication making sure we’re on the same page with Katie and I just kind of chat about that.
Question 6 of 20
6. Question
Teacher 00:11 Hi Bennett. How are you today?
Mr. Reid 00:14 Oh, I’m alright. How are you doing?
Teacher 00:17 I’m doing great.
Question 7 of 20
7. Question
Teacher 00:06 Hi, Mr. Reid, thank you so much for coming in. I know. Busy day. It’s hard to get. Make time out of your schedule to come here but I really, really appreciate you coming in.
Question 8 of 20
8. Question
Teacher 00:10 Hello Mr. Reed.
Parent 00:13 Yes,
Teacher 00:14 I’m miss Teacher Katie’s third grade teacher.
Parent 00:18 Nice to meet you.
Teacher 00:19 Nice to meet you it’s so great that you took out time to come talk to me come talk about Katie and her progress in our class. So thank you.
Question 9 of 20
9. Question
Teacher 00:09 Hi, Mr. Reid. I’m Teacher. I’m Katie’s World History teacher. Thank you so much for making the time to come in and meet with me today. How are you doing?
Mr. Reid 00:19 Doing all right. How are you?
Teacher 00:22 I’m also doing well. Thank you for asking
Question 10 of 20
10. Question
Teacher 00:05 Good morning, Mr. Reid
Mr. Reid 00:07 Hey there.
Teacher 00:08 First of all, I want to thank you for coming and I understand you have a very busy schedule. So let’s make this meeting as productive as possible.
Mr. Reid 00:16 Okay.
Teacher 00:17 So I have introduced myself when we talked on the phone earlier this school year. And before I move on to Katie’s performance, I just want to inform you, we have a lot of tools to keep parents engaged with their child’s learning. We have weekly emails to show you how your child is doing in class. We also have monthly newsletters, so you can see exactly where we’re going with our lesson plans and what kind of extra activity you can participate with your child’s learning.
Mr. Reid 00:51 All right.
Teacher 00:51 Okay. So please don’t feel pressured if you miss our phone call. We have a lot of ways to keep you in the loop because it is your child. So we want to keep you understanding and, you know, knowing how your child is doing in school.
Question 11 of 20
11. Question
Teacher 00:14 Hello. Hello, Miss Reid. Hi, I’m Teacher I’m Katie’s teacher this year. I want to thank you so much for coming in and for early in the year saying that, you know you’d like to be contacted. We had anything we wanted to talk to you about.
Mr. Reid 00:31 Yeah. Is everything. Okay?
Question 12 of 20
12. Question
Teacher 00:07 Hi, I’m… Hello, Mr. Reid. I’m Miss [Teacher]. I’m Katie’s third grade teacher. How are you doing today?
Mr. Reid 00:17 Good. How are you doing?
Teacher 00:18 I’m doing great. Thanks for coming in today.
Mr. Reid 00:21 For sure.
Teacher 00:22 I know we talked on the phone earlier this year. It was nice to meet you. And so it’s about… and you told me that if I had any concerns about Katie, feel free to call you.
Mr. Reid 00:36 Yeah, absolutely.
Teacher 00:38 So thank you for that. Thank you for that.
Mr. Reid 00:39 Oh, sure. Is everything okay?
Question 13 of 20
13. Question
Teacher 00:11 Hi, Bennett. I’m Teacher, and thanks, thanks so much for coming in to meet with me, and great to see you in person. How are you doing?
Mr. Reid 00:20 I’m good. Thanks.
Teacher 00:22 Good. Well, great. And thanks again. I really appreciate you coming in and taking the time
Question 14 of 20
14. Question
Teacher 00:04 Hi, Mr. Reid. I’m Miss [Teacher]. I’m Katie’s teacher.
Mr. Reid 00:08 Hi.
Teacher 00:09 It’s nice to meet you.
Mr. Reid 00:09 It’s nice to meet you too.
Teacher 00:13 Thank you for coming in this afternoon to talk with me. I appreciate your continued support and open communication with me throughout the semester. And I really appreciate you taking the time to come in today.
Mr. Reid 00:26 Sure.
Question 15 of 20
15. Question
Teacher 00:05 Good afternoon, Mr. Reid.
Parent 00:08 Hi
Teacher 00:09 Hi, I’m Miss Teacher. And it’s so good to see you today. I know that you had to get off work, but I really appreciate you coming in today and meeting with me.
Parent 00:18 Yeah. Hi. Yeah, no problem. I mean, happy to hear about what’s going on with my daughter,
Teacher 00:28 Yeah. Okay, so first off
Question 16 of 20
16. Question
Teacher 00:02 Hi, Mr. Reid. I’m Miss Teacher, Katie’s teacher. I’m so glad you’re coming today.
Question 17 of 20
17. Question
Teacher 00:04 Hi, Mr. Reed. My name is Ms. Teacher and I’m Katie’s third grade teacher.
Parent 00:08 Hey there, how are you?
Teacher 00:10 Good, it’s really great to meet you. Thank you for coming to-
Parent 00:15 Sure thing. Happy to.
Question 18 of 20
18. Question
Teacher 00:07 Hi, Mr. Reed. My name is Ms. Teacher.
Parent 00:09 Hello.
Teacher 00:10 And, thank you for coming in today to discuss Katie with me.
Parent 00:14 Of course. Sure thing.
Teacher 00:15 So, a little about me, I’ve been teaching Katie this year, and
Question 19 of 20
19. Question
Teacher 00:04 Hi, Mr. Reid. I’m Teacher how are you doing today?
bennett reed 00:08 Hi, I’m fine. You can call me Bennett.
Teacher 00:12 Bennett. Okay, great. Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to come in and talk to me today about Katie
Question 20 of 20
20. Question
Teacher 00:10 Hi, Mr. Reid. I’m Ms. Teacher. I’m your daughter’s third grade teacher, and I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to come and meet with me today.
Mr. Reid 00:16 Oh, sure. Of course.
Teacher 00:18 I understand that you and your wife have an extremely busy schedule. But I just wanted to touch base and tell you about some of the wonderful things that your daughter’s doing in school and, you know, work with you to make a plan to continue to have her succeed in my class.