Protected: Coding: Family Engagement
Module 0: Preparation
Module 1: About the scenario
6 Topics
1.1 Why family engagement?
1.2 Why simulations?
1.3 How are participants prepared?
1.4 How is the simulation structured?
1.5 What does it look like?
1.6 What is my role as a coder?
Module 2: Greeting
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
2.1 About greeting
2.2 Scoring greeting
2.2a Scoring practice for greeting
2.3 Additional practice on greeting
2.3a Additional practice for greeting
2.4 Trying out the scoring tool for greeting
Module 3: Sharing Student Strengths
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
3.1 About strengths
3.2 Scoring strengths
3.2a Scoring practice for strengths
3.3 Additional practice on strengths
3.3a Additional practice for strengths
3.4 Trying out the scoring tool for strengths
Module 4: Establishing Purpose and Sharing Concerns
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
4.1 About purpose and concerns
4.2 Scoring purpose and concerns
4.2a Scoring practice for purpose and concerns
4.3 Additional practice on purpose and concerns
4.3a Additional practice on purpose and concerns
4.4 Trying out the scoring tool for purpose and concerns
Module 5: Asking Questions
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
5.1 About questions
5.2 Scoring questions
5.2a Scoring practice for questions
5.3 Additional practice on questions
5.3a Additional practice for questions
5.4 Trying out the scoring tool for questions
Module 6: This Doesn’t Sound Like Katie.
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
6.1 About “Doesn’t sound like Katie”
6.2 Scoring “Doesn’t sound like Katie”
6.2a Scoring practice for “Doesn’t sound like Katie”
6.3 Additional practice on “Doesn’t sound like Katie”
6.3a Additional practice for “Doesn’t sound like Katie.”
6.4 Trying out the scoring tool for “Doesn’t sound like Katie”
Module 7: Experience Makes a Difference
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
7.1 About “Experience makes a difference”
7.2 Scoring “Experience makes a difference”
7.2a Scoring practice for “Experience makes a difference”
7.3 Additional practice on “Experience makes a difference”
7.3a Additional practice for “Experience makes a difference”
7.4 Trying out the scoring tool for “Experience makes a difference”
Module 8: I’m Worried About What This Means
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
8.1 About “I’m worried about what this means”
8.2 Scoring “I’m worried about what this means”
8.2a Scoring practice for “I’m worried about what this means”
8.3 Additional practice on “I’m worried about what this means”
8.3a Additional practice for “I’m worried about what this means”
8.4 Trying out the scoring tool for “I’m worried about what this means”
Module 9: There’s a Weight on My Shoulders
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
9.1 About “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
9.2 Scoring “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
9.2a Scoring practice for “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
9.3 Additional practice on “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
9.3a Additional practice for “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
9.4 Trying out the scoring tool for “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
Module 10: There are Challenges at Work
4 Topics
2 Quizzes
10.1 About “There are challenges at work”
10.2 Scoring “There are challenges at work”
10.2a Scoring practice for “There are challenges at work”
10.3 Additional practice “There are challenges at work”
10.3 Additional practice for “There are challenges at work”
10.4 Trying out the scoring tool for “There are challenges at work”
Module 11: Segmenting Family Engagement
4 Topics
27 Quizzes
11d Trying out the segmenting tool
11a Segmenting the opening
11a Transcript 1 Practice
11a Transcript 2 Practice
11a Transcript 3 practice
11a Transcript 4 practice
11a Transcript 5 practice
11a Transcript 6 practice
11a Transcript 7 practice
11a Transcript 8 practice
11a Transcript 9 practice
11a Transcript 10 practice
11a Transcript 11 practice
11a Transcript 12 practice
11a Transcript 13 practice
11a Transcript 14 practice
11a Transcript 15 practice
11a Transcript 16 practice
11a Transcript 17 practice
11a Transcript 18 practice
11a Transcript 19 practice
11b Segmenting items from “Doesn’t sound like” onwards
11b Segmenting post-opening transcript 1
11b Segmenting post-opening transcript 2
11b Segmenting post-opening transcript 3
11b Segmenting post-opening transcript 4
11b Segmenting post-opening transcript 5
11c Practice quizzes
11c Practice quiz 1
11c Practice quiz 2
11c Practice quiz 3
Module 12: Combined Practice
4 Quizzes
11a Combined practice for segmenting 1
11b Combined practice for segmenting 2
12a Combined practice for scoring 1
12b Combined practice for scoring 2
Module 13: Certification for Segmenting the Transcript
2 Quizzes
13a Certification quiz for segmenting: Opening items
13b Certification quiz for segmenting: Items from “Doesn’t sound like” onwards
Module 14: Certification for Coding Family Engagement
9 Quizzes
14b Certification quiz for scoring: Strengths
14a Certification quiz for scoring: Greeting
14c Certification quiz for scoring: Purpose and concerns
14d Certification quiz for scoring: Questions
14e Certification quiz for scoring: “Doesn’t sound like”
14f Certification quiz for scoring: “Experience makes a difference”
14g Certification quiz for scoring: “I’m worried about what this means”
14h Certification quiz for scoring: “There’s a weight on my shoulders”
14i Certification quiz for scoring: “There are challenges at work”
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1.1 Why family engagement?
Protected: Coding: Family Engagement
Module 1: About the scenario
1.1 Why family engagement?
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