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Speaker 0:00
Begin simulation.
Teacher 0:04
Hi. Thank you so much for coming in today, Mr. Reed. It’s so nice to finally see face to face. I Ms. Teacher.
Parent 0:12
Yeah. Oh, nice to meet you.
Teacher 0:15
Yeah. Nice to meet you as well too. How are you today? I hope it wasn’t too much trouble coming in, no traffic or anything.
Parent 0:21
No, not for Katie. I love her. I mean, yeah, I mean, I just broke away from work for a little bit. So I’m good.
Teacher 0:30
Okay, good. Well, firstly, I just want to talk about how great Katie is doing academically in the classroom. She is above grading—above grade level in reading, and she just loves reading her fiction books.
Parent 0:43
Teacher 0:44
And yeah, and she’s-she’s just a great reader. And she does always complete her work on time and everything like that too. So she’s just been doing great with all of that.
Parent 0:53
Good, good to hear. Great.
Teacher 0:55
And she does and she she does provide a lot of insightful comments and stuff when we’re doing our class discussions. However, I want to talk a little bit about those peer interactions and just this whole group interactions a little bit. Has Katie at all exhibited any like behavior that you think you’d be worried about at home, at home maybe? Any type of like social anxiety or anything like that at home? Not that I can—I’ve noticed. I mean, she seems her usual self. What is her usual self like? Is she pretty outgoing at home?
Parent 1:32
Oh, um, yeah. I mean, she’s definitely considered an introvert probably at school, but when she’s around her family, and, you know, us at home, she’s totally, you know, relaxed and herself, which is, you know, more chatty, more, you know, like, you would think. I think she—
Teacher 1:55
So that’s good.
Parent 1:55
I think she gets quiet at school.
Teacher 1:59
Yeah. Well, that’s I guess what I’ve kind of wanted to talk to you about today is that I have noticed that she does tend to get a little bit quiet during whole class participation and group discussions. And she hasn’t, I haven’t really seen much of her interact a lot with her peers. She chooses to sit by yourself. And I wanted I wanted to kind of tell you that I think maybe we should come up with a little bit of a plan to move forward and try to push her to be a little bit more social and active because it’s kind of worrying me a little bit. I just want to make sure that we both have those best intentions.
Parent 2:39
Yeah, um, this doesn’t sound like Katie at all, so…
Teacher 2:43
Oh, really? Yeah.
Parent 2:43
…it’s probably something you’re doing.
Teacher 2:46
Okay. What do you think that would help her in class to help her be more outgoing and more social and engaged in some more conversation?
Parent 2:56
I don’t know because I’m not in class with her. You know, you spent more time with her probably than her mother and I do. Um, so, I mean, this just doesn’t sound like Katie. I mean, experience makes a difference, and all her other teachers had so much more experience than you do.
Teacher 3:20
Right? Well, I know that you and I both just want what is best for Katie. And so my job here is to just kind of come up with the plan. I’ve noticed just a little, a little bit of some just the social interaction is just what I’m a little, a little worried about. And so I just want to come up with a plan, maybe together, of what we could do to kind of push her to be a little bit more engaged engaged in our class conversations. And maybe…
Parent 3:51
Oh um…
Teacher 3:54
talk to others a little bit more.
Parent 3:55
Last year’s teacher—okay—last year’s teacher had her and other students read a book about what they were learning, and then talk about it in class.
Teacher 4:06
Yeah. Well, I mean, we could definitely, definitely push a little bit more for that facilitation of like group work together. I’ve noticed a little bit when she does engage in that group work, she tends to still kind of work independently. So I guess I could do some more partner activities and stuff. One-on-one, like, you know, with two friends, and read a book together, maybe.
Parent 4:30
Okay, well I’m thinking about this, and I’m worried about what this means for Katie.
Teacher 4:37
Yeah, I wouldn’t—it’s not anything to be too worried about at this point because I think that since it is, you know, October, early in the year, we can kind of do a lot. There’s a lot of time left in the year that we can kind of work together and maybe even talk about it at home with her a little bit. Ask her how she’s doing in school, ask her if she has any friends in her class. And since you seem to have that great relationship, she’s a little bit more outgoing with you. Maybe even if you talk to her a little bit about how she how she feels about class interactions at home, maybe that can kind of get her get her chatting a little bit more about what’s kind of going on.
Parent 5:19
Yeah, I mean, we usually ask the standard, you know, how was your day? What did you do? And get the standard answer, “Nothing.” But I’m thinking maybe it’s me. There’s a weight on my shoulders.
Teacher 5:36
The worst the worst thing that we want to do right now is place any blame on anybody. It’s-it’s nobody’s fault. And it’s nothing to be too worried about at this moment, like I said, but I think maybe just, you know, doing the same things here in class and at home and just talking to her about it, she doesn’t seem to be, I mean, from my eyes, she doesn’t seem to be beat like she’s being bullied at all. But it does seem like people are sort of—
Parent 6:03
There are—there are challenges at work.
Teacher 6:09
Right. Yeah.
Parent 6:12
Teacher 6:12
Well I definitely don’t want want you to think like it’s your own fault or anybody’s fault. But I think what we should do from here on out is really just kind of talk to Katie. So, maybe at home, have a conversation with her about her friends in the class. Ask her who, you know, she tends to eat lunch with or if she wants to invite any friends over to play or anything like that, if that’s a possibility for you guys. Does that sound like a good plan from here on out?
Parent 6:42
Oh my gosh. Yeah.
Teacher 6:44
Okay. Well, what I know that I’m going to do then is I’m gonna give you give you a phone call here. I’m going to see see what I can do on my end, talk to Katie a little bit about what’s going on more, and then just trying to promote that one-on-one two like peer group reading together or something like that, and then try to get to the bottom of it.
Speaker 7:12
End simulation.
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